Thursday, April 1, 2010

My new travelling partner

Last night I stumbled upon a garden gnome at a neighbour's house over the course a late night walk of mine. The gnome (whom I later found out to be named "Gelbin") and I got to talking and he was very excited at the opportunity to travel across Canada with me and jumped at the opportunity! He's a little reticent to leave his garden however as he's never left its confines before, thus he made me agree to help him compose and send a letter back to his house and family at least once every couple of weeks. Gelbin has also been so kind as to let me share his letters and thoughts with all of you over the coming months! I've enclosed his first letter explaining his desire for travel:

Dear Loving Garden Owners,

I understand that it's been my duty to supervise this garden for the past few seasons but this summer the call of adventure was far too strong for me ignore! Oh to feel the wind in my beard, to travel from city to city without a care in the world besides where to eat and sleep! I need to break free from this tiny patch of land – if only for a little while – to help discover just who I truly am.

I'm sorry that I'm leaving my duties so abruptly and without any warning, but I felt that you might have difficulty understanding my desire to travel especially considering that you've never so much as seen me move! How can one explain one's deepest spiritual desires to someone whose never even seen a gnome so much as grunt or whistle? I think it's fair to say that it would be difficult (to say the least).

Regardless of the rudeness of my departure (which I do apologize for), I assure you that I will return after a few months of travel. I know that this garden will sorely miss my presence if I am gone for too long; though I have not mentioned it before, I can assure you that my incompetent gnome partner which you've provided me is not fully capable of tending the garden by himself. Thus, I promise that I will return to you via courier before mid-September. Fall in Guelph is too beautiful to miss!

I'm not exactly sure where my travels will take me just yet, but I do know that I plan on staying around Ontario for at least a few more weeks before I head out west. I think my first destination will be Vancouver and then I'm not sure where I will go after that. The road is open to me and I'm very excited to have my first vacation! I will send you pictures every couple of weeks from whatever locations I find myself in along my travels.

I hope that you understand my need to explore and to find myself.


Your loving gnome,



  1. I think... that you're my hero. I'm glad you found your gnome. XD

  2. Beautiful. Just be sure not to hand-write those letters too hastily (read: sloppy Kevin scrawl).
