Sunday, April 11, 2010

Going away dinner

I'm moving out of my apartment in 1 week and to mark the occasion had a "Kevin's graduating/moving/starting a new job party"! I catered my own party which was both fun and a little ironic. Thanks to everybody who came out!

First off, the roster for the evening:

Cody and Megan: Happy Couple #1

Scott and Roz: Happy Couple #2

Ian and Mackenzie: Happy Couple #3

Padraic and Alli (with cake): Happy Couple #4

Kevin and Gnome: Happy Couple #5

Next up, the Food:

We had potatoes...

... and fresh buttermilk scones...

...and green beans with blistered cherry tomatoes...

...with red wine and apple cider gravy...

...and turkey with under-the-skin stuffing...
...and my signature cranberry sauce...

...and of course wine!

Festivities for the evening included:
1. Me repeatedly kicking people out of the kitchen

2. Finding creative ways to baste the turkey without a turkey baster

3. Listening to Scott sing and play guitar

4. Charades

5. Additional wine drinking

6. Wearing silly hats

Glad everyone could make it out! I feel this was a very good send off to my time here. I'll hope to see you all when I return from the road!

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