Sunday, May 16, 2010

Goodbye Dryden, hello Orangeville!

Yesterday I travelled the great gap between Dryden and Orangeville to arrive safely at my mom's house where I will be commuting to my job's training in Alliston from. It was sad to say goodbye to my Northern family as (being so remote) I will only get to see them once in a while from now on. I enjoyed my stay despite the fact that the weather was regularly between 0 and 10 degrees and was raining constantly since my arrival! We did manage to finish off that huge bottle of rum (with surprising ease I might add) before I boarded my plane in Thunder Bay to head down to spend time with my Southern family.

Who knew that 3 weeks in Dryden could ever turn a man quite this Canadian?

My good friend Megan (whom you may remember from our Montreal shenanigans) was there to pick me up from the airport because a) she's awesome and b) I left half of my stuff in her car due to poor planning! However, we made a good night of my arrival by going for a bit of a hike first and then heading to Orangeville for some lawn camping at my mom's house in the country. Sidenote: The highlight of the hike was Megan who upon arriving at a trail-sign, fence and a ladder which goes over the fence asks "Oh my God, what do we do!" not realizing that the ladder was for climbing.

Megan is very excited to be doing something as lame as backyard camping. Good for her!

We got to try out my new tent for the first time and all seems well! I love this little thing! However, there was only 1 air mattress and 1 sleeping bag, so I didn't get the greatest night's sleep seeing as how I was using a blanket on the floor of the tent in the cold!

However, there was beer enough for each of us, so I'm not going to complain too much.

This is my mom's fire pit which we spent the night sitting around. We trashed and torched an old dresser and it threw off quite the amount of heat! I actually have a bit of a UV burn on the front of my legs from wearing shorts that night.

Tonight I actually got to spend time with my mom and Bryan even though I arrived early yesterday! I made a simple dinner and then they toddled off to bed early. This week I'm quite busy even though I'm counting down the days until I start working! I'm visiting with Sam Bull and Rebecca Hayden (Kayla and Karen's Orangeville-residing sister) in the next couple of days, then I'm heading to Guelph to visit with Karen and Dana later in the week and then on the weekend I start my first day of training on Saturday morning. Pop in to this site next week and see what my first few days of training turn out like!

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