The Road Trip
Before we could properly begin Tour Atlantic Kate and I had to get ourselves to the east coast! It took nine days of driving to get across the country and we were driving for 12 hours a day. This was not an easy task. I did however get a nice break in Thunder Bay where Dad and my brother Phil cam out to visit me. The journey across Canada consisted of a lot of CBC radio listening and fast food devouring and hour counting. Eventually we arrived in Halifax for a day off before we started tour Atlantic. On my day off I cooked myself a lobster, drank a six pack of beer and slept a lot. On the way out of the Yukon we got to see a huge heard of wild bison blocking the road. We also saw some adorable baby mountain goats being escorted by their parents on the same day!

There were SO many of them!

Tour Atlantic
Even though this tour was 14 days just like the other ones, somehow this tour just flew by! I honestly can't remember a lot of the details, but some of the highlights include: standing and watching the incredible tide in the bay of Fundy; eating lobster that I didn't have to prepare, pub-hopping and wandering around in St John; swimming in the Atlantic ocean for the second time in my life; and most importantly all the gorgeous scenery.
Arriving in Halifax! We made it across 7000km!
A scenic East Coast pier
The Great Return
When Tour Atlantic ended Kate and I met up with the tail end of Tour Du Canada and helped them wrap up their tour. These guys were far more tired and homesick than I ever was! It was a very stressful group to deal with but it was good to see them and to see how much progress that they had made. John and I sang a few songs and then they were off to Newfoundland. Kate and I turned around to go home but got stuck due to a hurricane! We stuck around Cape Breton island for an extra day and headed down the road. Three days later we arrived in Alliston and we quickly unloaded as much as we could. Our manager then drove me to my mom's house in the country where I'd never been so excited to return home. I immediately took off my shoes (a luxury I rarely got on the road!) and laid in my own bed with my own bedsheets for the first time in months. The feeling was amazing.
Moving on out Ottawa
After bidding goodbye the my employers and coworkers for the season I stayed around Orangeville and slothed about for a week or so, then it was time to move. Mom and Bryan rented me a U-haul trailer and we loaded my life into it and headed down the road to Ottawa. After a brief 6 hour jaunt down the highway we arrived at my new apartment which I took sight unseen previously. Turns out I love the place! It`s a beautiful building that`s over 100 years old with an enormous ceiling and I have two six-foot tall windows in my room. My neighborhood is the very scenic `Glebe`just south of the downtown area; I`m literally a 30 minute walk from Parliament! The day after my arrival I took a job working as the first cook at a local Italian Fine Dining restaurant. I didn`t like some aspects of the job and I quit after a couple of weeks which actually freed me up to come back home to my own convocation ceremony.
After 5 years of hard work in Guelph I actually got to attend my graduation ceremony which I originally missed in June and almost had to miss again due to work obligations. My mom showed up as did Dana and my brother. The whole affair was rather quick, but I went out to lunch with the family, attended the ceremony, got a butt pat from Pamela Wallin and left in time to get to Kitchener for Octoberfest with my coworkers from the summer. The next morning I headed back to Ottawa. I now have landed a job working as the morning baker at the local Tim Horton`s. I likely won`t be here forever, but the management is really nice and I get the privilege of working in the Ottawa Civic Hospital which is an amazing networking opportunity. I`m quite happy here! Thanks all for sticking with me this long, this will be my final update.
You can always contact me via e-mail or Facebook!