Hi everyone!
Obviously my trip doesn't start until May, however, I'm such a friendly guy I'm giving you all the opportunity to add this link to your bookmarks now so that you can be readily poised to receive updates from me as soon as they are posted. There's nothing to report yet except the very sad news that Zesty's has announced that it is closing its doors permanently beginning February 15th and thus myself and all of my wonderful co-workers are now unemployed. I will miss working with everyone there and I hope that I am able to keep in contact with you all through (by the least of means) this weblog.
Information on the trips I will working on can be found
here. I will be accompanying the Tour Arctic, Tour Pacific and Tour Atlantic portions of this year's events.
In the meantime, here's a picture of a seagull I took to distract all of you from the rather barren nature of this weblog as it stands. Hopefully it can entertain you until I get a little closer to shipping out time!
Edit: I have enabled anonymous commenting, so leave a comment to let me know it works and that you all can indeed keep in contact with me this way.